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What We Do

Sensei is an award-winning global consultancy that helps organizations worldwide to deliver strategically significant results by improving HUMAN PERFORMANCE and by optimizing the value of team and leadership interactions.


Our innovative and unique HUMAN PERFORMANCE INDEX™ enables leaders to measure human performance. We focus on areas where our clients can raise the bar on performance, productivity, and profit, ensuring that any work we do has a clear line of sight to specific business aims. This means that a solid return on time, energy, and investment is realized.


Our clients recognize us as experts in the process of unlocking potential and focusing this in the right ways to achieve the right outcomes, by emotionally engaging leaders and leadership teams to own the change, take accountability for it and deliver it.


What makes our work unique is the ability to blend our hard-edged business performance experience with the softer people development and engagement skills needed to create sustainable performance improvement.


In short ... ‘We do the really hard part of the soft stuff’

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How We Can Help

Our clients seek us out because we provide what the best organizations realize is crucial: building a bridge between their strategic business results (the most critical outcomes) and the actions, interactions, capabilities, and behavior of teams and leaders at all levels (our most unique assets and the inputs to performance we can most influence).


We partner with clients to help them identify, commit to and progress towards the most critical bull's eyes that will help them succeed even in volatile times, by particularly leveraging their leadership, team, and human capabilities. Our clients engage in powerful yet mutually supportive "radical action conversations" that are precursors to dramatic performance improvement. They grow both results and relationships, creating a sustainable advantage.

Strategic Allies

The Tom Peters Company

Founded by business legend Tom Peters, arguably the best known brand in the business guru world, and best-selling author of In Search of Excellence, Liberation Management, Circle of Innovation, and many other leading-edge books including the new Work Matters series. Sensei is a key implementation partner of the Tom Peters Company, particularly in the Middle East, South Asia and key parts of Asia Pacific.

The Sensei Decalogue


Most companies measure the wrong "unit" of performance - which means the majority of their performance improvement efforts are misdirected - click here to learn in what way...


Most strategies look far better on paper than they do in execution. There is a simple reason why, and it can be addressed far more readily than we think - click here to find out what it is


It is axiomatic to say "change is difficult" and that "no one likes change". Meaningful change is actually easier than anyone thinks, and you can prove it to yourself - click  here to find out how.


Most problem solving back-fires as it has a recurring Achilles Heel that actually prolongs problems and may make them chronic - click here to find out how to move past this


There is a critical component to business performance that comes from human performance. Yet this has not been defined or studied in the context of its link to business performance - click here to read about the Human Performance model and how to leverage it for strategic business results. 


The most powerful and penetrating way to assess your vision is ignored as leaders lack the courage for it - click here to find out how you can make sure you don't join that club.


Many people suggest that discretionary effort is the Holy Grail. They're wrong. It can actually be very dangerous - click here to find out why.




The organization chart supposedly describes how work takes place in your organization and the hierarchical links between people. Yet there is more than one paradigm of the organizational chart and three critical possibilities - click here to find out what they are.


Here is the greatest untracked cost in companies and yet we cut everything else to the bone and let these proliferate - click here to find out what they are.


Companies think the aim is to get people passionate. It's an insulting and misguided idea...and gets in the way of the real opportunity - click here to find out what it is.



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